Nature Nerds Night 2025 — a joy to experience!


Came and celebrate our third Nature Nerds Night!

Come to share and enjoy with our membership.  Bring something nature-related to display, come for wonderful photography by our own members, test your nature savvy during our nerdy team quiz, win prizes of inestimable value, share some wonderful baking by our members, chat with other members,

Contact if you have questions, if you have something to show,or  if you have nature photos to share. 

(Bring your own mug!  You might want to bring binoculars to help you see the quiz photos on the screen at the front of the room.)


Capturing Compelling Wildlife Images!

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Our speaker for 2025 January 28th is an excellent wildlife photographer!

The more time I spend in nature, the more wondrous it becomes to me. Yet, so many people – busy with complexity of their lives — struggle to experience it. I hope, through photography, to capture and share unique perspectives of our world that may help others feel the wonder I feel when out in the wild.”  (Matt Huras)

Matt Huras photographer

Matt Huras, Speaker, 2025Jan28

Christmas Bird Count 2024

Headwaters Nature has been participating in Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count since the club’s inception.  It is exactly what it sounds like: participants travel around their specifically assigned area observing, counting and recording numbers and species of birds on one designated day.  This year, that CBC will be on Saturday, December 28. Our “circle” has always been located around Orangeville and environs, and including Caledon East, Erin, Hillsburgh, and Alton as well as fields and forests within the boundary.

As our membership has grown, more members (and others) have become interested in participating, and we have divided and sub-divided the 6 areas within our circle to incorporate everyone.  The result is that this year, we are doing a trial run on a second circle, on a different day.  There are fairly specific requirements that have to be met in order to officially register a “circle” for the CBC, and they suggest a pilot the first year (without registering) to test whether we have enough personnel, whether the location of the circle works, and various other bits and pieces, so this will be our test run—hopefully resulting in registering a new “circle” with Audubon after minor tweaking.

Our new “circle” is located to the west of our Area #1 and incorporates Luther Marsh and environs, an area which surprisingly has not already been claimed by any other local club for the CBC.  We are very excited about this and look forward to testing it out on Thursday, January 2, 2025.  

Following each day, we will have a pot-luck gathering to compare notes, tell stories about our best finds, and just generally socialize.  It is a lot of fun, and a fitting end to what is always an interesting day!

One of the great things about the Christmas Bird Count is that there is a place for anyone who is at all interested.  If you are not a birder per se, you could offer to drive (and count).  If you no longer drive, you could observe and count.  If your eyesight is not so great for observing distances, you could offer to be the recorder.  Although there may be walking involved in some areas, there are certainly some which are mostly observed while driving, and stopping by the side of the road.

The maps for both of our circles—Orangeville and Luther Marsh—are included with this note.  If you are interested in joining us, contact Ron Jasiuk at for all the details to join the CBC on either Saturday, December 28 or on Thursday, January 2..

Also included is a link to a terrific article by Don Scallen in In the Hills about the Christmas Bird Count.   Do look it up if you are at all reticent about joining us for this year’s annual Christmas Bird Count . . . err CountS.

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