Spring Bingo for 2020 April 04

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Here’s the Headwaters Nature Bingo page of clues for the next several weeks!

  • We’re now encouraging you to include up to three of your personal observations that go beyond the list of 22 other observations!
  • Make this your own challenge — and include observations that mean a lot to you!
    • (I am personally going to include the Merlins that I saw earlier this week in downtown Orangeville. They were exciting to see!)
  • Send your observations to the Webmaster for prizes of ‘inestimable value’!
Bingo card only
Headwaters Nature Bingo card only

Here’s a printable blank bingo card (including instructions) for you to use if you wish.

We’re also including a printed version of the current clues:

  1. Wild Leeks / Ramps (poking above the ground; bonus point for sustainably digging and eating one leek!
  2. Woolly Bear caterpillar (bonus point: what is the name of the moth, and what colour is it?)
  3. Baby bird of any species and name the species
  4. Bird breeding song – describe the song
  5. First Spring Peeper (and where?)
  6. Bluebird
  7. First Chorus Frog (and where?)
  8. Turtle basking (bonus: one that has safely crossed a road; double bonus: if helped carefully by you!)
  9. Snapping turtle
  10. First butterfly: what kind?
  11. First dragonfly or damselfly: (bonus: what kind)
  12. First Bumblebee: (bonus: what kind)
  13. First other insect (not butterfly or dragonfly or bumblebee; bonus: what kind)
  14. Baby mammal: (bonus: what kind)
  15. Osprey (and where?(
  16. First snake: (bonus: what kind)
  17. Silver maple flowers: shedding or receiving pollen
  18. First Red Trillium flower (and where?)
  19. Turkey vulture (and where?)
  20. Spring Beauty flower (and where?)
  21. Morel mushroom (bonus: samples given to another member!)
  22. Skunk cabbage flower – where
  23. Your favourite observation of the period!
  24. Another observation that excited you!
  25. A third observation that appealed to you!

(Last week’s clues are here.)

2 thoughts on “Spring Bingo for 2020 April 04

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