Author Archives: Mark Whitcombe

Interesting links I found during this past month

Here are some internet natural history links that I found personally interesting during the last month. Some of these links were sent to me by other folks with similar interests. Most I found by browsing my collections of websites that I glance through daily, or from focused-interest emails that I subscribe to and come to me on a daily or weekly basis. Here are links sent by Phil Bird (CVC Specialist, Watershed Monitoring) for reporting and for data access to local detailed natural history information:  (These links are also in the middle of the earlier post about Phil’s talk) The Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) reporting link:  natural-heritage-information-centre-nhic-observation-reporting-form CVC now has an open data portal which includes fish data: A separate interactive map for fish records:  CVC Fish Data How a quest for mathematical truth and complex models can lead to useless scientific predictions – new research.  Author: Arnald… Read more »

Ranavirus in the Credit River drainage basin, with Phil Bird

Friends of Headwaters Nature and fellow naturalists, Our next meeting is coming up quickly on Tuesday October 18th at 7:00 P.M. at the Orangeville Seniors Centre, 26th Bythia St, Orangeville. Our main speaker will be Phil Bird, who spoke to us several years ago on the topic of local fish populations.  Phil will present a background on Ranaviruses including multiple confirmations of Frog Virus 3 (FV3) within the Credit River watershed. He will discuss the signs and effects, other recent findings in Ontario and most importantly; what CVC is doing and what residents can do to minimize the risk of spreading aquatic invasive species and pathogens.  Phil is a Specialist in Watershed Monitoring for Credit Valley Conservation. Phil also spoke briefly during our first meeting about the fish surveys he and others have done in the Willoughby Nature Reserve that Headwaters Nature helps look after. (This next meeting we will properly equip him… Read more »