Category: club

Re-Starting Headwaters Nature in-person meetings!

Tuesday evening, 2022 Sept 27th, 7:00 P.M. Friends of Headwaters Nature and fellow naturalists, We’re confident enough now to come out of the isolation we’ve endured during the doldrums of Covid-19. We’re going to start with our first in-person meeting since 2020! On Tuesday evening, September 27th, 7:00 P.M., gather with us at our usual spot in the Orangeville And District Seniors Centre, 26 Bythia Street, Orangeville. (For Covid-19 reasons, we will not be providing the usual treats or coffee or tea.) We will introduce those of us who are resuscitating Headwaters Nature. We’ll be gathering your names and contact information to update our membership list from three years ago. We’ll be asking you to support us by paying your nominal membership fees. We will be maintaining our fee structure of $25 per person or $35 for couples. These fees are payable by cash or cheque in-person, or payable via e-transfer… Read more »

Butterfly Blitz Training from CVC

One of our hoped-for series of field trips for this year is to participate in the annual Credit Valley Conservation’s Butterfly Blitz. This citizen science program is creating a watershed-wide inventory of butterflies. The data you collect will give insights to protect and restore wildlife habitat in the Credit River Watershed. Headwaters Nature were hoping for three field trips, along the lines of the three we had several years ago. While these may still be able to happen in some form or other, as individuals we certainly can participate on our own properties or where it is safe to practice physical distancing. We’ll send more details as the potential easing of lockdown restrictions unfold. In the meantime, CVC is holding three free online training events, on Saturday May 23rd and Sunday May 24th, and on the next Saturday, May 30th. You can register online for these free webinars. CVC is… Read more »

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