Category: field trip

Field trip

The Golden Spike at Crawford Lake: field trip

On Thursday, November 2nd, Mark Whitcombe will lead a field trip to the Crawford Lake Conservation Area, just south of Campbellville (south of the 401 and west of Milton). As of Tuesday October 31st, we have a dozen members coming, with two car-pools set up. (Please note that the date for this trip is still Thursday November 2nd at 10 A.M., not the incorrectly reported date of two days later. See you at Crawford Lake this coming Thursday!) The Field Trip to the Golden Spike: We’ll arrive at Crawford Lake Conservation Area (Halton Region CA) for 10 A.M. next Thursday November 02, 2023.  We are arranging how much each car and driver has to pay, and how much each participant has to pay.  (Headwaters Nature is not paying for this field trip. As individuals, we are covering the costs ourselves. We are getting a cheaper rate through a Group Booking…. Read more »

Nature in ‘our back yard’ — for kids and more on Saturday September 9th

Come and discover nature in ‘our back yard’! Join us Saturday September 16th, from 10 A.M. to 11 A.M. At the Mono Pollinator Garden, on the south side of Hockley Rd about 1km east of the intersection with highway 10 Discover pollinating insects, flowers, snails, birds — anything and everything!! A short FREE field trip for kids and adults We welcome kids from 3 years and up accompanied by a responsible adult. If your child uses cameras or binoculars ,you could bring your own — but we’ll be concentrating on direct observation and interpretation. See the natural world through the eyes and ears and perceptions of kids! For More Information, contact:

HN Field Trip: Transfixed by the Winter Sky at Island Lake

On the early evening of 2023 January 14, we had ten of us out watching while Orion “came up sideways, throwing a leg up over our fence of mountains” last night. (Robert Frost, “The Star Splitters”) Thanks for coming out to Island Lake and sharing my enthusiasms about the night sky! Let’s do this again with a different part of the sky. (See below about the coming ‘green’ comet, Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF. If we get good viewing conditions, I’ll set up another field trip on short notice.) It was cool on January 14th, but the skies were remarkably clear. It seemed like none of us had seen the clear night sky for months! Sirius was an absolute glory to watch as it cleared the ridge across the lake, twinkling ecstatically and flashing brilliantly in the full glory across almost the whole rainbow of colours. It truly seemed to dance… Read more »