Category: flower


Credit Valley BioBlitz Registration is now open!

Guided Blitz Registration is now open! Join us for the 2016 Ontario BioBlitz in the Credit River Watershed on June 11-12! The Guided BioBlitz is an opportunity for less-experienced nature enthusiasts to learn a bit more about their favourite species through field surveying and identification techniques – important skills for understanding the world around us. Our 2015 flagship event in the Don Watershed was a big success. Thanks to the 700+ registered participants and volunteers – we couldn’t do it without you! The Guided BioBlitz is open to all ages and all experience levels, but be aware that sessions can require a lot of walking. Please also note that there can be a 40 minute drive between Guided BioBlitz sites. Visit to register for sessions, look at the map of the Guided Blitz sites, and download a copy of the schedule. Most sessions are limited to 30 people per group, and will fill up quickly – so make sure… Read more »

Interesting sessions with the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust

Whether you’d like to participate in this spring’s Bio Blitz or learn more about the wildflowers or dragonflies, butterflies and moths in your backyard, you might be interested in these events organized by neighbours to the east — the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust.  Wildflowers of York Region – April 11th Spring is almost here. What is sprouting in the forests and meadows around Aurora? Learn about native wildflowers, how to grow them, and where you can expect to see them. Location:  Aurora Public Library, Magna Room Monday April 11th from 7pm – 9pm.  Space is limited so please pre-register with the Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust at 905-853-3171 ext 30 or at Dragonflies, Butterflies and Moths – Oh My! – May 16th So many things are buzzing in the neighbourhood. Come and learn about some of the most beautiful things with wings in York Region. Location:  Aurora Public Library, Magna Room Monday May 16th from 7pm – 9pm. … Read more »