Category: club

Our Christmas Bird Count —  initial results

On Saturday December 30th, we completed our annual Christmas Bird Count. The Numbers: 23 + 7 participants; 715 km driven; 10.5 km walked; 2.5 hrs owling; -14ºC minimum; 38 species overall; estimated 3983 individual birds overall; most populous: American Crow 931, Snow Bunting 740, European Starling 342, Dark-eyed Junco 335, American Goldfinch 300, Black-Capped Chickadee 272, Wild Turkey 223, least seen: Ruffed Grouse 1, Northern Harrier 1, Sharp-shinned Hawk 1, Cooper’s Hawk 1, Snowy Owl 1, Belted Kingfisher 1, Northern Shrike 1, Christmas Bird Count participants: (23 participants): (Area 1): Ron Jasiuk, Bill, Mike, Russ, Cynthia, Leo; (Area 2): Mark Whitcombe, Jerry, Paul, Katherine; (Area 3): Linda Lockyer, Mike, Dilys, Debby; (Area 4): Ron Ritchie, Mary Lynn, Betty; (Area 5): Dawn Renfrew, Darcie; (Area 6): Rob Best, Kevin, Anne-Marie, Suzanne Christmas Feeder Watch participants: (7 participants): Doug & Jane, Jean, Joan, Robin, Rachel, Liz Comments (by a botanist …) Of… Read more »

A Glorious Gallimaufry!

Nicola Ross will be speaking to us next Tuesday, November 28th, 7:30 P.M. at the Orangeville Seniors Centre. Nicola will be talking about her latest book Dufferin Hikes: Loops and Lattes. This is the third in her series of local hiking guides, the others being Caledon Hikes, and Halton Hikes. A number of us have used these books as guides for mostly short half-day hikes. She has cleverly chosen interesting routes that loop back to the starting point — and she caps that off with recommendations of where to have excellent snacks and lunches. I’ve enjoyed the several of her recommended routes that I’ve done. My wife hikes every Wednesday with a group of local women who have nearly completed all of the hikes in Nicola’s first two books, and are now beginning to hike through her Dufferin book. They’re loving the routes she recommends! Nicola has a fascinating background,… Read more »

Members’ Night, Tuesday October 24th, 7:30 P.M.

The evening will include: A couple of short informal presentations. A slide show of UFCNC member’s photographs. Displays of nature art, specimen collections, handiwork such as bird feeders. Lots of time for socializing and connecting with each other. “The success of this evening is dependant upon your participation. We really want you to come and be an active part of this.  Let us know what you would like to do and/or bring.” Is there something interesting that you would like to share? How about giving a 5 – 8 minute presentation related to natural history. Do you take photographs?  Send us 10–20 of your favourite nature photos of plants, animals, rocks, landscapes, whatever that you have taken in the past year and we will merge them into a slide show. Have you got something to display … a collection of bones, plants, a nature project that you’re working on such as a… Read more »